A note:
Just in case you're wondering, this is not the official website for Green Being Farm. This is just my blog from the summer I spent at the farm.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A brief tour

Here are a few pictures of the property I took the other day.
This is looking south out from the home block to the 30 acre field. It wraps around to the left. Well, that's how the field looked a week ago.

Since then I've made a few beds and planted onions, leeks, carrots, parsnip, beets, and spinach.

The property has several little structures on it. This is a miniture barn. Complete with its own hay maw.
Behind the mini barn, is the covered hoop barn. (The 30 acre field stretches out behind it).
Here's the view of the hoop barn from the field. Where I'm standing to take the picture is the far corner of a square acre I've marked out to use as a trial garden. I plan to put the grain, potatoes, and a few beds of veggies back here.

Back on the home block, there is a small cabin in one of the flower gardens. Big enough to hold two small beds.
Across the way from the cabin is a trailer.
And moving back a bit farther you can see the cabin tucked in the woods, and a small pond. The cabin is out and to the left, and the you can just see the field stretching out on the left hand-side of the image.
Behind where I was standing to take the picture of the pond is the workshop shed, and on the south end you can see the sunroom. We replaced the tin roof of the sunroom with plastic to give it more light. At the moment we're keeping the seedlings in this room during the day.

Across from the workshop is the house (which I don't have a picture of at the moment) and this, the "loft" barn.

Behind the workshop there is a rather large lawn of grass. I've started to convert it over to a garden to see how veggies fare there. Tarrah has seeded greens for her sisters wedding. The white row cover is used to protect the seedlings from flea beetle.

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