So over the past few weeks I've started up a bit of a garden patch in the near acre of the field. Here'r some photos of that and some of the planting.
Here I am, putting the M back in Man. This is our BCS walk behind tractor that I've been using to do much of the heavy work. In this case, making raised beds using the rotary plow.
And here are the raised beds it makes. I'm still getting the hang of how to use it. You might be able to see that the beds aren't really the same width.
Back on the 16th of May, Nora and I transplated the leeks, onions, and celeriac, and planted a bunch of onions from sets (pictured here).
Soon after, I planted parsnip (above), spinach, carrots, beets, peas, more onions, and probably more.
As you can see, I was planting in the middle of the night! no, but it was dusk, the flash lies.
Since then I've transplated chard, lettuce, a green onions, fennel, various herbs, broccoli, cabbage, kohlrabi, and cauliflower. Plus planted beans, more carrots and beets and spinach, and other things I'm sure.
Next up: plow the far acre and put in the potatoes, plus start some corn, more beans, summer squash, cucumbers, and such.
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1 comment:
Nice to see that Nora was able to pop over for some company :-) Mike too! Mini hot yam reunions. I am jealous.
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